Sunday, February 18, 2024

Collaboration with Microsoft OneNote

Collaboration tools are key to any workforce, it's a tool that keeps everybody in the loop while still moving forward.  I refer back to my deployment because that was the most exposure to computer applications I ever had other than emails and Microsoft Word. My officer in charge (OIC) had an obsession with OneNote and of course, it drove me mad however once you understand how to navigate the application it can be a beautiful thing. The basic routine was usually I make a document and send it to somebody above me while they make their edits they send it to their higher up then it will reach the OIC but this was all done individually there was no system to unite us all until my new OIC had us communicate only through OneNote for all correspondence and movement plans which were hard at first but it was cool seeing everything being updated live on my page I can make changes quickly and it would update everyone else and we can upload our files to one location so whoever needs to make changes they can without doing all the emails back and forth. Collaborative editing and calendaring are essential to any project or work that involves others.


  1. Keina, your insight into the significance of collaboration tools in a workforce is spot on. It's fascinating to hear about your experience with OneNote during your deployment and how it evolved from an initial frustration to a valuable tool for streamlined communication and coordination. The shift to using OneNote exclusively for correspondence and movement plans sounds like a smart move, simplifying the process and allowing for real-time updates. Your firsthand account highlights the efficiency and convenience that collaborative tools bring to projects, making it easier for team members to work together seamlessly. Well-articulated thoughts on the importance of such tools in enhancing productivity and coordination within a team.

  2. Hey Keina, just wanted to point out seeing you use the word OIC gave me flashbacks. Cool to read how you guys operated. I'm glad OneNote was able to help you guys communicate and accomplish any goals needed for the mission.

  3. Your post brought back memories. I remembered so many times when I heard the famous words, "Didn't you get my email?" or "It's on the shared drive." Great to hear you had an OIC that used technology application to improve coordination and communication even though there were initial growing pains.

  4. Hi Keina, Its good that you have brought the point of the collaboration in work area. Its the pain if there is no tools available to handle it. The best thing you have used oneNote, else managing it would have been a challenging and we would have spent lot of our time in handling it.

  5. Hi Keina. I feel like you were spot on when you said OneNote was a pain until you understand it, it can be used in great ways. I feel like most Microsoft applications are this way. I am glad that you found a way to use OneNote to enhance your collaboration.

  6. Hello Keina, I have never used OneNote so i am not too sure if i can relate to your experience but i sure do know that collaboration tools do come in handy in the workforce. Anything that helps people stay on track is a good tool for me.

  7. Hi Keina, your experience with Microsoft OneNote and collaboration speaks volumes about its value in streamlining communication and productivity. It's relatable how frustrating it can be initially, but once you get the hang of it, it becomes a game-changer,

  8. Collaboration tools like OneNote are game-changers for keeping everyone connected and moving forward together. They make communication seamless and enable real-time updates, allowing us to share documents and coordinate tasks effortlessly. Embracing these tools can really enhance teamwork and productivity with one another.

  9. Keina, I actually use OneNote for my notes in my other classes. Overall, I can definitely see the importance of collaborative editing in the workforce, and I definitely expect to be in a similar position as you as I pursue in the tech field.

  10. Hey Keina, I haven't had the chance to work with OneNote yet, but when the time comes and my future boss asks me to use it, I'll be ready. Thanks for the heads-up and advance info!
