Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Introduction to Office Applications

I can't pinpoint my first experience with Microsoft Word but I know at one point I was exposed to it during school. Unlike college (at least for me) most essays in high school were done by hand it was really only during a big project or final did we use Microsoft Word but even then my knowledge was at the bare minimum the same goes for PowerPoint. I believe most people are aware of office applications and if forced can probably navigate through the basics. As an HVAC technician, I have not touched any office applications however during my deployment that was my ultimate exposure to Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, and OneNote. It was a little embarrassing having an older gentleman in his 50s teaching me (a 22-year-old) how to use these office applications and although I did find it so complex and boring at the time, I'm so thankful for learning those skills.


  1. Hey Keina, amazing how every day brings us new learning opportunities that shape who we are and build our confidence! Each new skills that adds layer to our personality, makes us more capable and resilient individuals.

  2. Great job talking about your experience and office applications. Also, I remember those days where papers were actually written and I am 19.

  3. I hated writing essays in school...the teachers hated it too since couldn't read my chicken scratch...then in college it was typewriters and whiteout (dating myself). I don't know if I could've handled office applications in high school, but I learned a lot and like you, thankful I gained these skills.

  4. Even though we live in a world filled with technology, I remember having to handwrite essays. Even during times where we had a laptop in front of us the teacher had us handwrite. Given that this was because it was in my AP Language and Composition class, I hated handwriting as my hands would get tired and my writing was not the best looking. I'm glad you got to learn about Microsoft Office!

  5. Hi Keina, It's funny how our first encounters with office applications can vary so much, isn't it? Even if we start off feeling unsure or find them boring, those skills often end up being invaluable in unexpected situations, like during your deployment. It's all part of the journey of learning and growing, and it's great that you were able to pick up those skills when it really counted!
