Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Conditional Formatting

 I go back to my time in the Marine Corps once again, I had an OIC (Office in Charge) drag me and two of my peers into his office and taught us conditional formatting however I can't say I 100% paid attention but I'll never forget thinking "how does he know all this stuff and why." I never did get my answer but I assumed since he was an officer he must have taken a course in college on the subject which brings me to the current time. Now I'm the one taking a course on Excel and I just wish I could go back in time to show everything I learned. I regret not being mature enough to understand the tools that were in front of me during my active time in the Marines. I find conditional formatting to be essential in creating any worksheet that involves progress because it's such an easy thing to identify and follow, for example, the way we learned to use it in our Excel workbook was if reports were still not submitted after 2 days the rule would make that cell red. 


  1. Really liked the way related the feature to a real-world experience, it drove the point home.


  2. Hi Keina, when it comes to conditional formatting, it can be overwhelming especially for newcomers to Excel. But thanks to what we learned in IS101, like you, I am also confident in tackling any Excel task.
